UI Components
Nested Components
Dependency linkki-application-framework or linkki-core-nestedcomponent-vaadin-flow is needed.
Methods annotated with @UINestedComponent
can return a PMO, which is then included in the page. The resulting component has the same indentation as other components in the section and can be labeled. However, this causes fields inside nested PMOs to be indented further than fields in the nested PMO’s parent.
An example for this feature is pictured below, including relevant code snippets of the two classes.

Outer PMO
@UISection(caption = "@UINestedComponent")
public class NestedComponentPmo {
private LocalDate birthday;
private String title;
private Color favoriteColor = Color.RED;
@UITextField(position = 0, label = "Anrede")
public String getTitle() {
return title;
public void setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;
@UINestedComponent(position = 10, label = "Name/Vorname", width = "")
public NamePmo getNameLayout() {
return new NamePmo();
@UIDateField(position = 20, label = "Geburtsdatum")
public LocalDate getBirthday() {
return birthday;
Inner PMO (NamePmo) annotated with @UIHorizontalLayout
@UIHorizontalLayout(alignment = VerticalAlignment.MIDDLE)
public static class NamePmo {
private String name;
private String vorname;
@UITextField(position = 10, label = "")
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
@UILabel(position = 20, label = "")
public String getDivider() {
return "/";
@UITextField(position = 30, label = "")
public String getVorname() {
return vorname;
public void setVorname(String vorname) {
this.vorname = vorname;