
Unit testing with Karibu-Testing

Karibu-Testing provides functionality to write browserless server-side JUnit Tests for Vaadin applications. This allows calls such as UI.getCurrent() in a regular JUnit test by mocking VaadinSession, CurrentRequest and others.

linkki provides an extension of Karibu Testing.

Maven Dependency



linkki Karibu Extension provides following functionalities:


The easiest way of using this module is by just annotating a test class with @ExtendWith(KaribuUIExtension.class). That will provide the basic Karibu funtionality. To register and use custom classes as routes or instances in Vaadin UI tests, a KaribuUIExtension can be configured via the method withConfiguration and then added using @RegisterExtension. Additionally, a test using KaribuUIExtension can be annotated with @WithLocale to define the UI’s locale, defaulting to german.

Example Usage
class SimpleTestClassWithDefaultLocale {

    void testLocale() {


class SimpleTestClassWithLocaleEn {

    void testLocale() {


The module also contains the utility class KaribuUtils that makes it even easier to write Karibu tests, such as

  • methods for handling Notification components that are created with NotificationUtil

  • methods for handling OkCancelDialog

  • support for push UI

  • methods for printing out the classnames of all components