
Customizing the linkki theme

For general information, see the Vaadin documentation on application themes.

In general, a certain folder structure is needed for a custom theme. This structure depends on whether the theme will be directly used in the application in which it is defined, or will it be packaged to be used in a different project.

For direct usage, the minimum requirement includes a folder with the theme name in frontend/themes, with a styles.css file and a theme.json file.

Folder structure for a custom theme for the own project
└── themes
    └── my-theme
        ├── styles.css
        └── theme.json

If the theme needs to be packaged for other projects, the theme folder must be in src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/themes.

Folder structure for a custom theme that needs to be packaged
└── main
    └── resources
        └── META-INF
            └── resources
                └── themes
                    └── my-theme
                        ├── styles.css
                        └── theme.json

In both cases, the theme.json file must include the following configuration:

  "parent": "linkki"

The styles.css file contains the CSS customizations one wants to make in the theme. For most simple changes, adjusting some of the Lumo CSS properties should suffice. The Lumo Theme Editor is a useful tool to visualize the possibilities.

CSS Custom Properties in linkki Theme

linkki theme defines CSS custom properties which is the easiest way to customize the UI. These CSS custom properties representing colors, fonts, sizes and other styles, which are used in various components. The style properties can be modified to change the styling either globally, or in a certain scope. Vaadin documentation provides some examples on how to customize the style properties. As linkki theme is based on the Lumo theme, all Lumo style properties are also available.

Input Fields

The following style properties define the appearance of all input fields.

Table 1. Input Field Properties
Function Property Default Value




Background on hover



Border color for readonly



Text color for readonly




Info colors are used to display information that should be visually highlighted, but does not have a great impact.

Table 2. Info Properties
Function Property Default Value

Info color


hsl(213, 80%, 50%)

Info color with 10% opacity


hsla(213, 80%, 49%, 0.1)

Info color with 50% opacity


hsla(213, 80%, 49%, 0.5)

Info text color


hsl(213, 80%, 50%)


Warning colors are used to display information that should raise caution.

Table 3. Warning Properties
Function Property Default Value

Warning color



Warning color 10% opacity


hsla(45, 100%, 60%, 0.3)

Warning color with 50% opacity


hsla(45, 100%, 60%, 0.5)

Warning text color




Success colors are used to display result messages of an successful operation, or messages that indicate that a process can be continued. They are used to display validation messages, e.g. on fields or in notifications.

Table 4. Success Properties
Function Property Default Value

Success color



Success color with 10% opacity



Success color with 50% opacity



Success text color




Error color indicates that a process cannot be started or continued. They are used to display validation messages,e.g. on fields or in notifications

Table 5. Error Properties
Function Property Default Value

Error color



Error color with 10% opacity



Error color with 50% opacity



Error text color




Lumo default font family is modified to make sure that Segoe UI as system font is preferred over Robot font.


This CSS property is useful for adjusting the way how the application signals clickable elements to users of pointer devices. linkki follows the web approach and uses the pointer (i.e., hand) cursor for clickable items by default.

Table 6. Cursor
Function Property Default value

Clickable cursor



Loading indicator

The position of the loading indicator can be configured with the following css properties:

Table 7. Loading indicator



Default value

Top position



Bottom position



In de linkki theme the loading indicator is configured to be displayed at the bottom of the page by default.
loading indicator at the bottom of the page
--linkki-loading-indicator-top: auto
--linkki-loading-indicator-bottom: 0
loading indicator at the top of the page
--linkki-loading-indicator-top: 0
--linkki-loading-indicator-bottom: auto