Extending linkki

Faktor-IPS Extension

linkki is often used in conjunction with Faktor-IPS. The module linkki-ips-vaadin23 provides some useful functionalities for this combination.

To use the extension simply include the following Maven dependency:


Fields for Faktor-IPS Data Types

A new UI component annotation @UIDecimalField supports the Faktor-IPS data type Decimal. It is quite similar to @UIDoubleField but supports Decimal instead of Double.

Other Faktor-IPS-specific fields - for example a Money field - may follow.

Faktor-IPS Model Validation

Validating a Faktor-IPS object yields messages for the validation framework on the business layer. linkki uses its own validation message implementation in the UI layer. To convert these messages from Faktor-IPS to linkki, the Faktor-IPS extension provides a MessageConverter. Objects are converted according to the following table:

Faktor-IPS linkki Notes







The MessageConverter currently does not map the index field



linkki only uses the isRequiredInformationMissing() method

Calling the Faktor-IPS validation method and converting the messages should be done directly in a ValidationService, which is then provided to the BindingManager.

A minimal validation service using lambda notation
ValidationService validationService = () -> MessageConverter
        .convert(ipsModelObject.validate(new ValidationContext(UiFramework.getLocale())));

When the function above is called by linkki, the Faktor-IPS object is validated according to the defined validation rules. Rules can add messages to the returned MessageList, potentially referencing specific fields using ObjectProperty.

These messages are then converted, and displayed to the user. Messages referring to an ObjectProperty bound by linkki to a UI field, are shown in the UI accordingly. It is possible to define further styling.

Faktor-IPS Property Dispatcher

A special PropertyDispatcher called IpsPropertyDispatcher can be used in a binding context to automatically retrieve information from the Faktor-IPS model when using appropriate model binding.

To override the behaviour of the IpsPropertyDispatcher, use a different attribute value in the UI annotation, such as DYNAMIC.
Supported aspects

The following aspects are supported:


In case you do not specify a label for a UI component in your PMO, the dispatcher tries to retrieve the label from the underlying model object. That means, if your underlying model object is generated by Faktor-IPS and the associated bound model attribute is a Faktor-IPS attribute, it returns the label of this Faktor-IPS attribute.


If the required attribute in the UI annotation is set to its default value NOT_REQUIRED, the IpsPropertyDispatcher checks the value set of the corresponding attribute. The field is then set to REQUIRED if the value set does not contain null.


If the visible attribute in the UI annotation is set to its default value VISIBLE, the IpsPropertyDispatcher checks the value set of the corresponding attribute. The field is then set to INVISIBLE if the value set is null or empty.


If the enabled attribute in the UI annotation is set to its default value ENABLED, the IpsPropertyDispatcher checks the value set of the corresponding attribute. The field is then set to DISABLED if the value set is null or empty.

Available Values

If the content attribute in the UI annotation (present in annotations such as @UIComboBox or @UIRadioButtons) is set to ENUM_VALUES_INCL_NULL or ENUM_VALUES_EXCL_NULL, the IpsPropertyDispatcher will get the value set of the corresponding attribute and sets it in the UI. If the attribute value set in the model is unrestricted the IpsPropertyDispatcher delegates to the next PropertyDispatcher.

How to include IpsPropertyDispatcher

To include the IpsPropertyDispatcher as a custom dispatcher in the BindingContext, the IpsPropertyDispatcherFactory can be provided to the constructor of the DefaultBindingManager. If you already have a custom PropertyDispatcherFactory you could simply instantiate the IpsPropertyDispatcher in your subclass using the factory method IpsPropertyDispatcher#createIpsPropertyDispatcher.

Using IpsPropertyDispatcherFactory
BindingManager bindingManager = new DefaultBindingManager(validationService,
        PropertyBehaviorProvider.NO_BEHAVIOR_PROVIDER, new IpsPropertyDispatcherFactory());
When the IpsPropertyDispatcher is active, the available values set directly in the PMO will be ignored.

PROPERTY Constants as Model Attributes

Faktor-IPS generates constants for defined attributes containing their name. These values can be used as the modelAttribute to easily create bound UI components.

If the used property is removed from the Faktor-IPS model while still being referenced from an annotation, a compilation error is generated. This would not be the case if hardcoded strings were used.

Excerpt of a class generated by Faktor-IPS
public static final String PROPERTY_STRING = "string";

 * Max allowed values for property string.
 * @generated
public static final ValueSet<String> MAX_ALLOWED_VALUES_FOR_STRING = new UnrestrictedValueSet<>(true);

 * The default value for string.
 * @generated
public static final String DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_STRING = null;

 * The name of the property unrestrictedInclNull.
 * @generated
public static final String PROPERTY_UNRESTRICTEDINCLNULL = "unrestrictedInclNull";

 * Max allowed values for property unrestrictedInclNull.
 * @generated
public static final ValueSet<String> MAX_ALLOWED_VALUES_FOR_UNRESTRICTED_INCL_NULL = new UnrestrictedValueSet<>(

 * The default value for unrestrictedInclNull.
 * @generated
public static final String DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_UNRESTRICTED_INCL_NULL = "not required";

 * The name of the property unrestrictedExclNull.
 * @generated
public static final String PROPERTY_UNRESTRICTEDEXCLNULL = "unrestrictedExclNull";

 * Max allowed values for property unrestrictedExclNull.
 * @generated
public static final ValueSet<String> MAX_ALLOWED_VALUES_FOR_UNRESTRICTED_EXCL_NULL = new UnrestrictedValueSet<>(

 * The default value for unrestrictedExclNull.
 * @generated
public static final String DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_UNRESTRICTED_EXCL_NULL = "required";

 * The name of the property emptyValueSet.
 * @generated
public static final String PROPERTY_EMPTYVALUESET = "emptyValueSet";

 * Max allowed values for property emptyValueSet.
 * @generated
public static final OrderedValueSet<Marker> MAX_ALLOWED_VALUES_FOR_EMPTY_VALUE_SET = new OrderedValueSet<>(false,
 * The default value for emptyValueSet.
 * @generated
public static final Marker DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_EMPTY_VALUE_SET = null;

 * The name of the property enumerationValueSet.
 * @generated
public static final String PROPERTY_ENUMERATIONVALUESET = "enumerationValueSet";

 * Max allowed values for property enumerationValueSet.
 * @generated
public static final OrderedValueSet<Marker> MAX_ALLOWED_VALUES_FOR_ENUMERATION_VALUE_SET = new OrderedValueSet<>(

 * The default value for enumerationValueSet.
 * @generated
public static final Marker DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_ENUMERATION_VALUE_SET = null;

 * The name of the property integerEnumerationValueSet.
 * @generated
public static final String PROPERTY_INTEGERENUMERATIONVALUESET = "integerEnumerationValueSet";

 * Max allowed values for property integerEnumerationValueSet.
 * @generated
public static final OrderedValueSet<Integer> MAX_ALLOWED_VALUES_FOR_INTEGER_ENUMERATION_VALUE_SET = new OrderedValueSet<>(
        true, null, Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2), Integer.valueOf(3), Integer.valueOf(4),
        Integer.valueOf(5), null);

 * The default value for integerEnumerationValueSet.
 * @generated

 * The name of the property integerRangeValueSet.
 * @generated
public static final String PROPERTY_INTEGERRANGEVALUESET = "integerRangeValueSet";

 * Max allowed range for the property integerRangeValueSet.
 * @generated
public static final IntegerRange MAX_ALLOWED_RANGE_FOR_INTEGER_RANGE_VALUE_SET = IntegerRange
        .valueOf(Integer.valueOf("0"), Integer.valueOf(100), Integer.valueOf(5), true);

 * The default value for integerRangeValueSet.
 * @generated
public static final Integer DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_INTEGER_RANGE_VALUE_SET = null;

 * The name of the property booleanValueSet.
 * @generated
public static final String PROPERTY_BOOLEANVALUESET = "booleanValueSet";

 * Max allowed values for property booleanValueSet.
 * @generated
public static final ValueSet<Boolean> MAX_ALLOWED_VALUES_FOR_BOOLEAN_VALUE_SET = new UnrestrictedValueSet<>(false);

 * The default value for booleanValueSet.
 * @generated
public static final Boolean DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_BOOLEAN_VALUE_SET = null;

 * The name of the property emptyStringValueSet.
 * @generated
public static final String PROPERTY_EMPTYSTRINGVALUESET = "emptyStringValueSet";

 * Max allowed values for property emptyStringValueSet.
 * @generated
public static final OrderedValueSet<String> MAX_ALLOWED_VALUES_FOR_EMPTY_STRING_VALUE_SET = new OrderedValueSet<>(
        false, null);

 * The default value for emptyStringValueSet.
 * @generated
public static final String DEFAULT_VALUE_FOR_EMPTY_STRING_VALUE_SET = null;

@IpsAttribute(name = "string", kind = AttributeKind.CHANGEABLE, valueSetKind = ValueSetKind.AllValues)
public String getString() {
    return string;
Using the class above as a model object
private final IpsModelObject modelObject;

@UITextField(position = 0, modelAttribute = IpsModelObject.PROPERTY_STRING)
public void getString() {
    // model binding