
Step 5: UIDateField, UIComboBox & UITextArea

This step introduces you to the UI elements UIDateField, UIComboBox and UITextArea.

Next, you will create and fill out a page to display general information of a business partner, such as the name and date of birth.

Figure 1. BasicDataPage

Implementing a new PMO

The page should contain a section to display partner details. Therefore, create a new class PartnerDetailsSectionPmo and annotate it with @UISection. Its caption should be set to "Partner Details".

PartnerDetailsSectionPmo should define UI Elements for the name and date of birth of the partner as well as their status and some notes. You need a UITextField, a UIDateField, a UIComboBox and a UITextArea. Implement them as follows:

  1. Pass a BusinessPartner to the constructor and assign it to the field partner.

  2. Create and implement the getter method for the property name and annotate it with @UITextField.

    1. Get the name by calling the getter method on the partner.

    2. The label should be set to "Name".

  3. Create and implement the setter method for the property name. Set the name by calling the setter method on the partner.

  4. Create and implement the getter method for the property dateOfBirth with the signature LocalDate getDateOfBirth() the same way as in 2i.

  5. Annotate the getter with @UIDateField. The label should be set to Date of Birth.

  6. Create and implement the setter method for the property dateOfBirth the same way as in 3.

  7. Create and implement the getter method for the property status with the signature Status getStatus(), where Status is an enum provided by the sample model.

  8. Annotate the getter with @UIComboBox. The label should be set to "Status".

  9. Create and implement the setter method for the property status.

  10. Create and implement the getter method for the property note with the signature String getNote().

  11. Annotate the getter with @UITextArea. The label should be set to "Note".

  12. Create and implement the setter method for the property note.

The finished implementation should look like this:

@UISection(caption = "Partner Details")
public class PartnerDetailsSectionPmo {

    private final BusinessPartner partner;

    public PartnerDetailsSectionPmo(BusinessPartner partner) {
        this.partner = partner;

    @UITextField(position = 10, label = "Name")
    public String getName() {
        return partner.getName();

    public void setName(String name) {

    @UIDateField(position = 20, label = "Date of Birth")
    public LocalDate getDateOfBirth() {
        return partner.getDateOfBirth();

    public void setDateOfBirth(LocalDate dateOfBirth) {

    @UIComboBox(position = 30, label = "Status")
    public Status getStatus() {
        return partner.getStatus();

    public void setStatus(Status status) {

    @UITextArea(position = 40, label = "Note")
    public String getNote() {
        return partner.getNote();

    public void setNote(String note) {

Creating the basic data page

Now that the section is done, create a new AbstractPage called BasicDataPage, initialize it as you did in step 1 and add the PartnerDetailsSectionPmo in the createContent method.

Updating PartnerDetailsView

Since you have created the BasicDataPage, you need to update PartnerDetailsView. If you remember what was said in the first step of this tutorial, you know you have to call BasicDataPage.init() after calling the constructor, otherwise the content of the page won’t be created.

Therefore, update the method createBasicDataPage as follows:

  1. Create a new instance of BasicDataPage.

  2. Call the init() method.

  3. Return the created BasicDataPage.

The finished implementation should look like this:

private Component createBasicDataPage(BusinessPartner partner) {
    BasicDataPage basicDataPage = new BasicDataPage(partner);
    return basicDataPage;

You should now be able to see a BasicDataPage with the personal information of a partner. For John Doe, you should only be able to see their name and date of birth (27/08/1978).

Figure 2. BasicDataPage

The next step extends the UI to display all addresses of a partner.